Wednesday, April 29, 2009

From the Home of Brown Babies & White Mothers

I just got a glorious package in the mail today that made this gloomy Wednesday very happy. This is why I love DIY'ers and Minnehappiness...
 Details are what makes art ART and life worth living.  I love all of the little things about this package.  It's screen-printed on one side with the promo font, it has a Big Quarters sticker that resembles a stamp in the upper left hand side, on the the upper right is a stamp that reads "Free Shipping" (the last track on the album), they included stickers (who doesn't like stickers!?), pins (coming back in style), a lovely artist's EP that Zach has been working with, and the ultimate personal touch: a signed picture with a shout to yours truly.  It all is very special.

Their attention to detail can be found in their music, especially in this album.  Things like the background sample of Brandon's significant other laughing in mid-thought ("Wipe the Dust"), the unique recording of screams used as emphasis throughout the record, the balancing of heavy drums and basslines with airy melodies ("All Day Long") that match the lyrical content perfectly, and the extended instrumentals to let that 'ish breathe.

The intricate details are all finely aligned and all of the pieces come together to make a very cohesive album.  It has all of the bases covered: knowledge drops ("Protection"), comments about the industry ("Barter System"), the grind ("Blessed"), tragic tales ("All Day Long"), dope instrumental ("Can't Won't"), one for the ladies that still bangs ("Ladies Know"), growing up ("One On the Lip"), and uptempo/experimental joint ("Free Shipping").

My favorite line on the album that I believe sums up what Big Quarters is all about:
"Forget what you put in, truth's in the puddin'.  Made in an instant, wouldn't taste your cookin' - GOOD LOOKIN!"
The State radio show broadcast featuring tracks from the new album with in-studio guest, Brandon Allday

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